Track your parcels delivery status with TrackChecker.
This app is not supported anymore and will not be updated. Please use its successor - TrackChecker Mobile ( ). You can use "easy migration" function added in recent version to copy your tracking database into new app in single click.
Thanks to all who supported this app.
Track your parcels delivery status with TrackChecker.
TrackChecker is the application aimed to help you to track your parcels delivery status by tracking number. The program supports 300+ postal services over the world.
The features include:
- Automatic and/or manual checking on several postal services at once.
- Has home screen widget.
- Supports notifications.
- Calculates and highlights days on delivery.
- Includes various sorting modes and filters.
- Track can be added or marked as delivered by scanning its bar-code (3rd-party bar-code scanning application is required).
If a particular service is not in the list below or does not work for you, please send me a email with URL and tracking number to check. I’ll do my best to make it work.
Desktop version for Windows -
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